Current World Heritage Sites
Tentative World Heritage Sites
- The Cultural Triangle
- The Cuenca Mirador
- The Core of the Mayan Area
- The Route of The Rivers
- Naj Tunich Cave
- The Mayan-Olmecan Encounter
- Route of the Franciscan Evangelisation
- Route of the to Dominique Evangelisation
- Route of the Peace and National Identity
- Castle of San Felipe de Lara
- Route of the Agroindustry and the Architecture Victoriana
- Town of Chichicastenango
- The Green Route of Verapaz, Guatemala
- Sierra De Las Minas Biosphere Reservation
- National Park Sierra del Lacandón
- The Manglares Route of Pacific Coast of Guatemala
- Protected area of Lake Atitlán: multiple use
- Visis Cabá National park and Triangulo Ixil Vernacular Architecture
- Tak'alik Ab'aj National Park
- The Painted Murals of San Bartolo
- The Caves of Naj Tunich
- Archeological Site Naranjo Sa’aal
- National Theater of Guatemala
unextgo Country Status - Wishlist
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