Current World Heritage Sites
- Birthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity and the Pilgrimage Route, Bethlehem
- Palestine: Land of Olives and Vines – Cultural Landscape of Southern Jerusalem, Battir
- Hebron/Al-Khalil Old Town
Tentative World Heritage Sites
- Mount Gerizim and the Samaritans
- QUMRAN: Caves and Monastery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- El-Bariyah: wilderness with monasteries
- Wadi Natuf and Shuqba Cave
- Old Town of Nablus and its environs
- Tell Umm Amer
- Throne Villages
- Sebastia
- Anthedon Harbour
- Umm Al-Rihan forest
- Wadi Gaza Coastal Wetlands
- Baptism Site “Eshria’a” (Al-Maghtas)
- Ancient Jericho/ Tell es-Sultan
- Hisham’s Palace/ Khirbet al- Mafjar
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